Advantages of MBR technology
- compactness and small layout size of the plant
- simple management of the plant, as a result of high degree of automation (low dependence on human factor
- small quantity of excess sludge and therewith connected costs
- constant efluent quality, regardless of the influent
- operation costs are lower than in classical biological plant
- complete bacteria removal
- possibility of reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation purposes or as process water
- no odours emmision or noise
- fast construction, because of relatively small size of the plant
- reduced quantity of chemicals needed for phosphorus reduction
- reduces even slowly degradable BPK5
- no risk of biomass loss
- flexibility on maximal and minimal inflows, within the given parameters
- no need for permanent crew
- MBR technology belongs to the group of so called „Green Technologies“
- possibility of underground or surface type of construction, with architectural solutions for blending in environment
- MBR plants enable Total Wastewater Management
What is MBR?
MBR (Membrane Bio Reactor) is a technology belonging to the group of separation processes with biological treatment with active sludge.